Thursday, April 23, 2009

G is for...


What is a gato you might ask? Well, gato is the Spanish word for cat and there are plenty for the picking here in Tres Cantos. If I could put it simply, forget about choosing one from the humane society, there are more than enough in the wild. It is not very common for a cat to be a household pet, rather this dignified position is left to the dogs. Instead, cats are left to um...shall we like rabbits and keep the kitty population large. Being a cat lover at heart, no matter how many times I see 1, or 5 or 18, I always emit the same 
sentence "ooooh, Charlie, look! A kitty!" He's not swayed by my pleas to take the especially cute ones home. And so instead, I have had to resort to simply taking pictures. 
This is a few steps away from our locale but every public space usually has 2-3 lurking around. 
El Buen Parque Retiro is another popular place to find them. If you're the market for a cat...give me call. I can find you one for a good price. 


theRachel said...

You should try to finance your purchase of Camper shoes by selling cats.

T.I.Houghton said...

you should try and use cats as currency for your Campers. One bag of cats for one pair of Campers, and if they have a sweet sale then Char could get a pair too!