Monday, February 2, 2009

B is for...

... Bears & Bidets!

Well, you might be wondering what these two things could possibly have in common. Allow me to tell you. Should you ever make your way over to Tres Cantos, Calle Siena 65 to be exact, and you needed to use the facilities, both of these things would be waiting your arrival! 

When Charlie and I first arrived in Spain, we were pleasantly greeted by this, uh, cheery bathroom. What the picture fails to show is the teddy bear wastebasket along with the matching toothbrush holder and bathmat. Now, I must make mention that the previous tenants have two young children and so I view it through their eyes. I cannot promise that other bathrooms would offer such cuddly decoration.

What I can promise however, is that every self respecting bathroom in Spain will have a bidet (pronounced buh-day). Houses can often be sold for a higher price with the knowledge that there is a 5-piece bathroom (tub, shower, toilet, sink + bidet) rather than a simple 4 piece. Charlie thinks that it will be a great foot washer come the summer time. I'll have to let you know how that goes. 


Anonymous said...

greatest bathroom ever!

Anonymous said...

I saw some of those in Guinea, and I was never to sure what they were for... nor did I ask. So I just looked it up on wikipedia. Makes sense... Not that I would use it. According to wikipedia it is great for washing feet... also as a baby bath.