Friday, October 24, 2008

Cappuccinos and Competitions

(post written by Becky)

One of the inevitable yet still hard parts about being on onSite is the fact that you have to miss out on some really cool stuff. This past weekend our brother (in-law, but we often drop the last part) Spencer competed in the Canadian National Barista Championship, held in Montreal, Quebec. To get to this he had previously competed in the Western finals where he came in third and [side note - would have come in first had he not gone over time]. Motivated, he endeavored to work his butt off and off he went to compete against the other top three winners in each division. The top 12 competed on this past Tuesday and the 6 with the best scores would move on to the finals on Wednesday. Due to the wonders of the internet and live web casting we were able to watch the finalists being announced, LIVE! And to our joy Spencer was one of them!! This led to much rejoicing in our Spanish living room and a very late night as we were calling back home to congratulate him. I think we eventually went to bed around 2:30. We couldn't watch it live the next evening but we were so proud of Spencer when he came in 2nd!! This is pretty incredible since he was his first time ever. So Spence, we love you and are so proud of you! 

For those of you looking for the best coffee on the West coast, Spencer works for JJ Bean...

A special shout out also goes to Charlie's former boss and good friend, Phil Robertson (representing Phil & Sebastian Coffee Company in Calgary) who came in 5th!

1 comment:

T.I.Houghton said...

Hurrah for good coffee.