Oh dear, where does the time seem to go? Apparently the month of May has come and gone and nary a single alphabet blog. My apologies! Well, there's only one thing left to do if I want to get through the remaining letters before our 2 months left here are up...on with the show!
Should a person ever choose to rent or own a car here in
Spain, your options would be limited—

Have you caught on yet? That's right - you would be driving a trusty hatchback. Other than the motos (motorized scooters) hatchback cars are the way to go. Red, blue, green, 4 door, 2 door - they come in all shapes and sizes! The smaller the better though since the spaces between cars to parallel park in are teensy weensy.
You should also be prepared for it to be standard as well, making driving in Spain even more of an adventure. Even yours truly has been learning the ins and outs of driving a stick shift—thanks in part to a very patient and loving husband.